District Site-Based Decision Making Committee
District Site-Based Committee & Campus Site-Based Committees
Site-based decision making implementation has been mandated for all Texas school districts since 1992.
It is defined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) as:
Site-based decision making is a process for decentralizing decisions to improve the educational outcomes at every school campus through a collaborative effort by which principals, teachers, campus staff, district staff, parents, and community representatives assess educational outcomes of all students, determine goals and strategies, and ensure that strategies are implemented and adjusted to improve student achievement.
The district-level committee is comprised of 2/3 classroom teachers and 1/3 other campus/district level professional staff with at least one professional staff representative for educating students with disabilities; in addition to, parents & community members that are representative of our community diversity as well as business representatives.
District-level committees also assist the superintendent in developing, reviewing and annually revising the district’s improvement plan. The plan must include provisions for a comprehensive needs assessment addressing student performance, measurable district performance objectives and strategies for improving student performance.
Campus-level committees assist the principal in developing, reviewing and revising the campus improvement plan. The committee is to be involved in decisions in the areas of planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, staff development and school organization. Staff development must be primarily campus-based and developed and approved by the campus-level committee. Districtwide staff development may be used only if it is developed and approved through the district-level SBDM process.
These committees also ensure the federal planning requirements at both the campus and district levels.
The expected outcome of these committees is for improved student performance by looking at:
Academic Achievement
Staff Quality
School Climate, Safe & Healthy Schools
College & Career Readiness/Graduation Rate
Family & Community Engagement
District/Campus Commitments