Fun and learning opportunities are erupting at Clifton Elementary with our students and Mrs. Ingalls in the Gifted & Talented program.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Clifton ISD! It's everything Clifton ISD, in your pocket.
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K-2nd grade teachers will be assessing our students this week, January 10th-January 14th, with the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI). The TPRI is a diagnostic instrument that is administered individually to students. This inventory helps teachers provide targeted instruction so that students improve as readers. The TPRI benchmark assessment is given 3 times per year. This is the second administration for this year. Another will be conducted just prior to the end of the school year. At all three grade levels, the TPRI consists of both a screening section and an inventory section.

Welcome to our new website. Be sure to visit the app store on your mobile device and search for Clifton ISD to download our new app.

Clifton ISD 2021 Christmas Concerts
MS Band Christmas Concert
Tuesday, December 14⋅6:30
HS Band Christmas Concert
Thursday, December 16⋅6:30