School Safety

Clifton ISD uses the RAPTOR Visitor Management system at all campuses. All visitors are required to scan their ID before signing out a student or entering our campuses. For more information about our visitor guidelines and security system, please visit the Student Handbook for your child's campus under Visitors to the School (All Grade Levels).

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Guardian Program and School Resource Officer

Clifton ISD is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for our students and staff members. This commitment is reflected in the many best-practice safety and security initiatives currently in place across the district.

On July 31, 2023, the Clifton ISD Board of Trustees approved a resolution to authorize multiple staff members across all district campuses to be School Guardians and to carry a concealed firearm on district property. Clifton ISD joins hundreds of school districts across Texas that are currently part of the Guardian Program. The Board also entered into an agreement with the Clifton PD for the services of a School Resource Officer that will be assigned to Clifton ISD every day of the school year.  

Under Texas Penal Code Section 46.03, the Guardian Program grants a school district the authority to authorize certain District employees (School Guardians) to carry concealed weapons on school grounds. The Guardians are authorized to use a firearm in his or her best judgment and discretion for the purpose of protecting students, staff and others lawfully on school property in emergency situations at school.

This Program adds to the safety and security infrastructure, training and resource enhancements that have been taking place across the District over the past several years. Visibly, you will notice the addition of signage around our school buildings indicating that certain staff are armed and may use whatever force is necessary to protect our students and staff. There will be no additional impacts from this implementation on our students, staff or the day-to-day school routine.

This process of adding additional layers of safety and security started at the June 2022 School Board meeting when different available options for security services at school facilities were discussed. At the October 2022 meeting of the Clifton ISD Safety and Security Committee (SSC), the Committee requested more information on implementing the Guardian Program and hiring a School Resource Officer. 

After gathering more information, Clifton PD Chief Blanton and I presented that information regarding the Guardian Program and School Resource Officers to the SSC on March 9, 2023. The SSC voted unanimously to recommend to the Board of Trustees to implement the Guardian Program and to hire a School Resource Officer, if fundable. That recommendation was presented to the Board of Trustees on March 20, 2023, who then voted to approve the implementation of the School Guardian Program and the hiring of a School Resource Officer. Multiple Guardian candidates were Board-approved at that meeting to attend the required training to become a Guardian. After that training was completed, the Guardian candidates were approved.

Some important information about the Guardian Program is available below:

  • Guardian Program participation is strictly voluntary - no employee is required to participate and, at any time, the District may revoke an employee’s authorization to carry a firearm.

  • Employees who are currently licensed to carry a weapon in the State of Texas are eligible to be considered for the Program.

  • Before being authorized as a School Guardian, candidates are required to complete a criminal background screening, as well as a physical exam and psychological evaluations utilizing the same process and standards that law enforcement adheres to. Candidates also must complete a rigorous training program to be a School Guardian and are required to complete ongoing training, including monthly firearm and task-oriented drills once they are authorized as a School Guardian.

  • The identity of authorized Guardians will remain confidential.

It is important to note, once again, that in the interest of District security and maintaining the integrity of the program, the District will not be releasing the identity or numbers of District employees selected as School Guardians.

Questions, comments or concerns? Please contact me on my cell phone, 254-707-1503, office phone, 254-675-1825 or by email,