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Texas law requires all students who do not achieve approaches or higher on STAAR grades 3 through 8 or EOC assessments be provided accelerated instruction. These requirements, modified by House Bill 4545 of the 87th legislature and recently updated with the passage of House Bill 1416 in the 88th legislature, provide that qualifying students must be:
Assigned a TIA designated teacher, if available, for the subsequent school year in the applicable subject area;
Provided supplemental instruction aligned with the research on high impact tutoring in the TEKS for the applicable grade levels and subject area in the following manner:
No less than 15 or 30 hours depending on student performance and is provided in the summer or at least once per week in the school year;
Students who score within the Does Not Meet Performance Level for Grade 3 Math or RLA, score within the "Low" Does Not Meet Performance Level on any grade/content level STAAR, or fail a consecutive year of the same subject area, are assigned 30 hours of Accelerated Instruction
Students who perform at the state determined "High" Does Not Meet Performance Level are assigned 15 hours of Accelerated Instruction
Limited to two subjects per year, prioritizing Math and RLA;
Provided in a group of no more than four students, unless the parent or guardian of each student in the group authorizes a larger group or the district/campus use of approved online curriculum;
Designed to assist the student in achieving satisfactory performance in the applicable grade level and subject area and includes effective instructional materials designed for supplemental instruction;
Provided by a person with training in the applicable instructional materials for the supplemental instruction and provided by one person for the entirety of their accelerated instruction.
Family Engagement/Connection (External Website)
Each campus' Parent-Family Plan is within the student handbook
Links to Campus Parent Pages
Student Services/Special Programs
All 3 Clifton ISD campuses create master schedules to ensure school-day opportunities for students to receive instructional support in content areas based on individualized student need. Intervention/Enrichment time at CES and CMS along with the Learning Resource Center at CHS all provide embedded tier two and three support time for learners. Secondary level students may be enrolled in a Lab, EOC, or additional Reading course to further support their achievement.
Additionally, in accordance with the 2024 program list for the 4:1 waiver, Clifton ISD campuses use iXL for math and reading accelerated instruction. Students utilize these programs at minimum for 30 minutes 2x weekly.